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Navigation 🧭

Navigating within the canvas is a fundamental part of this application. Understanding how to move around efficiently will enhance your experience and allow you to explore fractals deeper, and easier.

I tried to make navigation functions as intuitive and efficient as possible. This section will cover basic controls, and navigation parameters.

Basic controls 🎮

To move your position inside the canvas, you can use to arrow keys to go left, right, up or down. If you are a vim supremacist, you can use the vim keys (hjkl). To zoom in or out, you can respectivly use d and s.

You can also zoom in or out on a specific position by left-clicking or right-clicking on the canvas with your mouse.

Navigation preview

Finally, you can change the zoom and movement intensity using the zoom_lvl and move_dist commands.

Navigation parameters

Released under the GNU General Public License (GPLv3).