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Contributing 🫂

You found a bug, or you need help 🆘

Please, open an issue if you have any suggestion or if you found a bug. I will try to fix it as soon as possible. You can also open an issue if you need help, I will always be happy to help someone interested in my projects!

You can open an issue on the project's Github repository. 🐙

You want to contribute 🧑‍💻

If you want to contribute, open an empty pull request and explain what you want to do first. Then, wait for me to approve it and then you can start working on it. This is very important, it is always heart-breaking to reject a pull request that someone has invested a lot of time and efforts into. 🙁

You can create a pull request on the Github repository of the project. 🐙

Released under the GNU General Public License (GPLv3).